Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Cross Centered Bible Reading

Here is an article I read recently titled "Cross Centered Bible Reading". Hope you find this helpful. It is a good reminder to us that the Bible has one theme throughout all of its books, pages, and words - the message of redemption found in the Christ of Calvary!

"In your regular reading of God's Word, are you regularly making it to the cross? Today, whether you read a few chapters in Leviticus or Luke, Ezekiel or Ephesians, Proverbs or Philippians, you must make it to the cross. If you don't make it to the cross, if you don't see the connection between a chapter in Proverbs and what Jesus accomplished on the cross, you'll miss the whole point of your regular Bible reading. The whole point of reading through your Bible on a regular basis is to begin to see and celebrate that the whole Bible is about the cross--about the gospel, about the good news of what Jesus has done for you.

Make it to the cross.

If you don't make it to the cross, if you read a few verses in Proverbs and a paragraph of commands in Philippians without detecting how these sentences connect to the blood-stained beam of wood where, "For our sake he [God] made him [Jesus] to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God" (2 Cor. 5:21), then consequences will follow.

If you don't make it to the cross, you'll make your Bible reading and your relationship with God about your performance rather than about Jesus' performance. You'll gravitate away from the gospel and towards religion. Anxiety and fear will take the place of confidence, joy, and rest. Legalism will replace freedom. If your eyes don't catch a glimpse of the cross as you turn the pages of Scripture, you're likely to spend much of your day staring at yourself, wallowing in endless introspection, rather than staring at your Savior, delighting in his costly love.

Cultivate the habit of making it to the cross every time you read your Bible.

If you need help with this habit, if, like me, you're prone to forget the wonder of the cross, you may want to establish for yourself some drastic reminders of the cross. You probably don't need to do anything as drastic as this former cross-forgetting Pharisee did. Eight years ago I tattooed a cross on my inside wrist so that every time I looked down at my open hands I'd be reminded of the outstretched hands of Jesus. When I read my Bible this morning, as I scanned the sentences in Psalm 40, I also looked down at the cross on my wrist which served as but one simple reminder for me of how the statements of deliverance in Psalm 40 point forward to the ultimate deliverance that Christ purchased for sinners on the cross.

You probably don't need a tattoo, but you probably do need to set up some sort of reminder that will help you make it to the cross in your Bible reading. Find your reminder, make it to the cross, and then you'll find that your Bible reading becomes a part of your day that you look forward to, that you can't do without. As you make it to the cross your Bible reading will become a time of great gladness, gratitude, and refreshment.

Today, I think for the first time, I'm praying for all of you who read this blog. I'm praying that you'll make it to the cross, find fresh joy in your Bible reading, and give God glory as you survey and savor the good news of the gospel."

I honestly cannot remember where I found this, so forgive me for not giving the source of this article!

1 comment:

Karen said...

I'm a teacher at a Christian school (in Chesapeake, VA). Last week (Thursday) our lesson was on the crucifixion of Jesus. I've known the story for most of my life, however, I was very touched by their explanation of what it was like when the sky was darkened, just prior to Jesus' death.
This is Abeka curriculum, that is being used. They said the sky became black, because God was placing the sin of (everyone in) the world on Jesus. The sky became black, so people, observing Jesus hanging on the cross, wouldn't be able to see how ugly that sin appeared!
I almost didn't make it through the Bible lesson. It was very touching!!
Thanks, for the inspiring blog and sharing, Jerry!