Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Memorial Day 2007

I hope you had a happy Memorial Day yesterday! We were able to spend the majority of the day with my side of the family for a cookout. It is always nice when you are able to take advantage of the different holidays to be with family. Since yesterday was a day to remember those who gave their very lives to defend and protect our country, I think it is only fitting that we would want to spend it with those who are nearest and dearest to us. So, we did what most families do...got together, prayed and gave thanks to our Great God, and ate. We enjoyed one another's presence and then each of us went on our way...looking forward to the next occasion that will draw us together again. If you are removed from your immediate family, I hope that you are able to spend these holidays with church family and friends.

I also wanted to take this opportunity to tell you about something else that we did this Memorial Day. I hesitate to share it because these are the kind of things that I like to do without any public acknowledgment. But, I feel that the Lord would have me to share this with you so that you and I are encouraged as the body of Christ to "let our light shine before men that they may see our good works and glorify our Father which is in Heaven".

For some time now, I have been praying and considering what my wife and I could do to meet our neighbors and be a blessing to them. I believe that it is no accident where God has placed us. In Warren, Ohio at First Baptist Church of Howland. Even down to the house that we live in is part of God's plan and purpose. But, unfortunately, we have lived there for almost 6 years and really havent gotten to know our neighbors much. Although I think many of them know us as the people who live in the "minister's house" and know me as the "minister", that's about as far as it has gone. Wanting to do something to break this down, I told my wife that I would like to use the holidays over the summer months (Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, etc.) to do something small to break down the barriers. So, I asked her to pray and think about what we could do. Finally on Sunday, we decided to buy cupcakes and hand them out to each of our neighbors on our street (we have a small street). So, we put 3 cupcakes on a small paper plate and covered them and put a label on it that said:

"Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends" (John 13:15)
Jerry, Jennifer, Jana, and Josiah Croyts
(at 204 Wheelock)
Now I have one advantage over some of you...I have two children at the ages of 6 and 3. Now it may not seem like an advantage but trust me. Most of the people on my street are in their 50's or older. So, they love to see young children. Most of them are at the grandparent stage now so they love to see children come, visit for a few minutes, and then leave. They are conditioned for that!! So, we put the cupcakes in their little red wagon and down the street we went. Jennifer holding Josiah's hand...Jana pulling the wagon...and me bringing up the rear on my crutches. We went from house to house and thankfully we found most of our neighbors home. Those that were home were so thankful and thought that it was such a sweet gesture. The one or two homes that seemed like they were unmoved at first, later made it a point to thank us. I told them that we wanted to do something small for our neighbors and we hoped that they would enjoy it. It was also a great lesson for teaching our children...it was the opposite of trick or treat. Instead of going from house to house to "receive" something, we went from house to house to "give" something. Jesus says it is far more blessed to give than it is to receive. We had a wonderful time and most of our neighbors introduced themselves to us. In fact, some even asked if we just moved in...that was like the Lord saying "I told you". One house had children the same age as our children and we stood and talked with the father for 15 minutes. Then when we were finished and returning home, he came out and asked if we would like something to drink. So, we took him up on it and it allowed us to visit for a few more minutes. He said that he moved up here from Georgia in the past couple of years and his wife is used to the "southern hospitality" and we all know that you dont find that in Northeastern Ohio. But, maybe the Lord will allow us to show them something far greater than "southern hospitality"...it's what Hebrews calls "christian hospitality" (as long as she brings her homemade lemonade).
Now, we didnt get the chance to share Christ with any of them yet. But, in a way we did!! We have been teaching Jana about "giving a cup of cold water in His Name or for His sake". This was a chance to put these teachings in action. Now, I am praying about what to do on the 4th of July. My hope and prayer is that eventually we will be able to invite some of our neighbors to a "neighborhood bible study" with the purpose of seeing unbelieving people become passionate followers of Jesus Christ.
I share all of this with you for 2 reasons:
1. to encourage you to think outside of the box...there are many ways to show Christ to our family, friends, and neighbors. the important thing is that we are being led of the Lord and being obedient to Him.
2. to ask you to share any "ideas" or "suggestions" that you might have for outreach, especially in our neighborhoods.
Please post any thoughts or ideas...maybe some that you have tried and worked or some that you are thinking about.
"There is no greater place to serve God than where He has placed us down"
May God use us right where He has placed us!!
In Christ,
Pastor Jerry