Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Teach Me Your Paths O Lord

Tonight I had the privilege of speaking at the Warren Family Mission. A few men in our church go to the Warren Mission each Tuesday night to instruct the men from God's Word and to pray with them. Every once in a while I have the privilege of coming and addressing them. Tonight I addressed the men out of Psalm 25 on the subject of 'can we really know God's will?'.

Often our biggest problem with God's will is being obedient to the guidance God has already clearly given. So, out of Psalm 25 we looked at 'prerequisites of a man that knows and does God's will'.

1. A meek and humble spirit
2. An obedient heart
3. Reverence for God
4. Patience to wait

Notice that all of these have to do with the "character" of the man. The man that is able to be taught the ways of the Lord is a man who has these characteristics. So, if we really want to know and do God's will we need to work on becoming this kind of man or woman.

The real issue becomes not so much 'how can I discover?' but 'am I willing to submit to God's Word whatever it may say?' or 'will I yield to God's providence no matter how bitter it tastes?'

We like to set parameters on just how far we will go with God. God, I will do anything as long as I dont have to take a paycut! God, I will go anywhere as long as it doesnt require me to leave the country!

Instead of setting these kinds of parameters, may we be a people that can say:

Oh, let your will be done in me,
In your love I will abide,
Oh, I long for nothing else
As long as You are glorified!

To see the full version of "As Long as You are Glorified"