Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Back in the action!!

These past week has been difficult for some of you know, my laptop computer is giving me trouble. Therefore, I have had very little access to a computer or to the internet. It is amazing how much we (or should I say "I") depend upon computers these days. In fact, when a pastor friend of mine heard that I was without a computer he asked "so, are you able to preach?". Although this sounds funny...he was putting his finger right on the button. It has made my preparation much more difficult. I dont know how Spurgeon did it without "microsoft word" or "online bible commentaries"??

Anyway, I wanted to share with you the latest book that I have been reading. It is called "In my place condemned He stood" by J.I Packer and Mark Dever. Obviously the title comes from the hymn "Hallelujah, what a Savior" which includes these words:

"Bearing shame and scoffing rude
In my place condemned He stood;
Sealed my pardon with His blood:
Hallelujah! What a Savior!"

The book is a celebration of the glory of the atonement. In the first chapter, J.I Packer mentions that the word "propitiation" is only found 4 times in the New Testament but the concept of "propitiation" is found everywhere in the Bible. The doctrine of propitiation is this..."that God loved the objects of His wrath so much that He gave His own Son to the end that He by His blood should make provision for the removal of His doing so, Christ would make those who are objects of wrath into children of God by and for His good pleasure".

This is a great place to spend your quiet time...reflecting on this great truth. So, here are the 4 verses of the New Testament that include the word "propitiation":
1. Romans 3:21-26
2. Hebrews 2:17
3. I John 2:1-2
4. I John 4:8-10

Now, if you would really like to saturate yourself with this great teaching then let me suggest that you do what I have done these past few days. Spend time reading not just where the word is found...but where the concept or doctrine is taught. As Packer said, it is all over the New Testament.

Here are a few:
1. Romans (chapters 1-5) the way, this is where we are in our ABF join us!!
2. Galatians 3
3. Ephesians the way, we are reading chapters 1, 2, and 3 daily for this month
4. Hebrews 8, 9, and 10
5. I John 1-3

Maybe read a chapter of these a day...and saturate yourself with the love of God in Christ on the cross on behalf of sinners like you and me!

It will cause you to break out in praise with words similar to how one of my favorite hymns begins:

"My song is love unknown,
my Savior's love to me,
love to the loveless shown,
that they might lovely be,
oh, who am I that for my sake,
oh, who am I that for my sake,
the Lord should take frail flesh and die!"

As you can tell, this has been another great book that God is using to draw me near the Cross and near Christ!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pastor, Thanks for the synopsis of this book. I saw this at the Parkside Conference and thought I would like to read it. Now maybe I can borrow yours.