Tuesday, August 12, 2008

God is opposed to the proud!

So, it has been made clear to us that God hates pride and why He hates pride!

Now, let us ask ourselves: what do we hate?

Let's join C.J. Mahaney again on this subject:

"I'll tell you what I hate. I've got two lists. One is a silly list that begins with foods that I sometimes think must be products of the Fall. I detest meatloaf (remember this is C.J speaking, not me...I love meatloaf...ok, back to C.J.). I loathe sauerkraut. And I hate cottage cheese. I even hate it when anyone eats cottage cheese in my presence; it ruins my appetite. I also despise any and all professional sports teams from New York City - that's simply part of my heritage, being born and raised in the Washington DC area. That's just the beginning, a little sampling of my silly list of things I hate. But I also have a serious list of things I hate. I'm sure you have one, too.
I hate abortion. I hate child abuse. I hate racism. What do you hate? You and I hate nothing to the degree that God hates pride. His hatred for pride is pure, and His hatred is holy. John Calvin wrote, 'God cannot bear with seeing His glory appropriated by the creature in even the smallest degree, so intolerable to Him is the sacrilegious arrogance of those who, by praising themselves, obscure His glory as far as they can.' And because God cannot bear with this arrogance, He reveals Himself in Scripture as actively opposed to pride. Actively!!
'God opposes the proud (James 4:6; 1 Peter 5:5).' Opposes in this statement is an active, present-tense verb, showing us that God's opposition to pride is an immediate and constant activity. The proud will not indefinitely escape discipline."

We will stop here for today...but let's keep this thought in our minds - God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. It is a very rare thing indeed for God's Word to speak of God's dispostion with us as "resisting" or "opposed"...and the thing that puts God in this posture is PRIDE!!

Let us be a humble people who know what it is to have God's grace at work in our lives!

1 comment:

Ron Starcher said...

Great post. It's amazing how we fail to hate what God hates.